So today is monday so that means monkey fact monday here is this week's monkey

Ok so this monkey is called the Pygmy Marmoset Monkey! Some nicknames for this monkey are mono de bolsillo 'pocket monkey' or lioncito 'little lion' because of their size and fur! Just a heads up... I have NO idea how to pronounce that.. Haha. These monkeys are at their biggest at 35cm. and barely weighs 100 GRAMS! :O
Pygmy Marmosets live to be about 11 years old in the wild. In captivity, they can live to be 20! If you don't know what captivity is, its where they live in a zoo, or have people taking care of them. They are not out in the wild if they are held in captivity.
Pygmy Marmosets are found naturally in Brazil, Ecuador, and Peru! That is where they originated. This type of monkey loves flooded forest near rivers. They feed off gum (tree sap), fruit, nectar, and animal prey.
(Info is credited to calypso on the minimono blog)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Fantastic post Teddy!
Hehe thanks :-)